Iwasaki of the true song solo singing on which it acts forms drummer Yoshizawa who had been falling in love beforehand the invitation in 001 August, year. A front base joins about one row in length form such as Acogiborcal and drums through live. However, it answers with “You may enter with the guitar” though secession by personal convenience is decided, and it calls Nakauchi who was the bassist at that time wild. Is not related, the first live is done on the day of the first practice in October, 2002, and it joins on the same day. In being differing the Kimoi, it seems to have had the prospect dream that I become the member of Secaiiti fairly ahead. And, Iwasaki : the fountain in which it served as the taking the place support to a front base to the persuasion existing regime under the beautiful moon in March, 2003.
1st mini-album ‘Other side of that bridge of today’ is determined in December, 2003 after live training of angry waves is done repeatedly based on Osaka, and single 1st ‘Song of beginning to rain’ is announced from tokiola records in April, 2004, and the Tokyo advancement is determined through the split tour of analog fish and beard (HiGE) in October of the same year. And, single 2nd ‘Stone Corob’ is announced from TOY ‘S FACTORY in April, finally 2005, and the majors debut is accomplished. May..album..light..red..beautiful..blue..announce..from June through July..stone..occur..tour..dare..Shimo-Kitazawa..starting with..Shinjuku..final..whole country..pilgrimage.From August through October when 2nd album ‘art in the EartH’ is put on the market in June, 2006 the next day–Secaiiti 2006 EartH bruise?..becoming empty.. TOUR–A one-man tour of the van tour in entitled 11 places and Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Tokyo, and Osaka is done.
It works on the music production beside that keeps live acting aggressively afterwards, and a full album including preceding single ‘RAIN/THAT/SOMETHING’ ‘Thing hated in the world’ that becomes the third totaling piece is announced on November 21, 2007. “Party TOUR2008 hated in the world” is dared along with it by six places of Nagoya, Osaka, Sendai, Tokyo, Sapporo, and Fukuoka in total from January through February of 2008.
Official Website: http://www.sekaiichi.jp/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sekaiichi_crew
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/sekaiichi
i-Radio: http://sekaiichi.i-radio.fm/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/sekaiichi1
Ustream: http://ustre.am/ImX9
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/id265821119?ign-mpt=uo%3D4