Tomomi Itano’s Asia Live Tour Kicks Off in Tokyo
On May 7, Tomomi Itano performed live at the NEW PIER HALL in Tokyo for her first show of the live tour entitled “Tomomi Itano ASIA TOUR 2016【000】Supported by DMM.com”.
The concert for the first day of the tour, being limited for the members of her fan-club “T’s PAЯTY”, began with the song “Gimme Gimme Luv” with her shouting, “Are you ready?”
For the encore, she performed playing the piano and has announced that the song “One Last Kiss”, with lyrics done by her, will be used for the Chinese movie “Raincoat” which she will be starred on. The tour will continue in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, and will return to Tokyo for the last concert at TSUTAYA O-EAST on August 6.
Itano Tomomi “Tomomi Itano ASIA TOUR 2016【000】Supported by DMM.com” (past dates omitted)
May 8, 2016 (Sunday) NEW PIER HALL, Tokyo, Japan (DMM.com exclusive concert)
May 21, 2016 (Saturday) plus+space, Shanghai, China
May 28, 2016 (Saturday) STAR HALL, Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
June 11, 2016 (Saturday) Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
August 6, 2016 (Saturday) TSUTAYA O-EAST, Tokyo, Japan
Official website – http://tomomiitano.jp/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomomiitano
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomo_coco73
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomo.i_0703/
Blog – http://ameblo.jp/xanadu11/
AKB48,Tomomi Itano