Masahiro Tanaka, Onto the Yankees Mound with the New Song of Momoiro Clover Z
Momoiro Clover Z’s new song “My Dear Fellow” was played for the first time during the game of New York Yankees vs. Baltimore Orioles at the Yankee Stadium, USA on April 10th (Japanese local time).
As Masahiro Tanaka went onto the mound as the starting pitchers of the Yankees, Momo-Clo’s new song “My Dear Fellow” was played. The lyrics of “My Dear Fellow” was made by Takahiro Maeda and the song was by Shihori, who also worked on the single “GOUNN”, and this song will be recorded as a coupling song of Momo-Clo’s new single, “Naitemo iindayo” being released on May 8th.
Official Website: http://www.momoclo.net/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/momoiroclover
Blog: http://star-studio.jp/momoclo/
Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/momoclotv
Momoiro Clover Z