HaKU Overwhelms Audience in Taiwan at Outdoor Festival “ROCK BANDOH!”



HaKU, who will release their second album “Symbiosis” on April 30, held their first ever performance in Taiwan on March 29. This was the third country outside of Japan in which HaKU has performed, following their shows in Malaysia in 2012 and Indonesia in 2013. They also did a release tour in Malaysia for their album “wonderland” in 2013.

This time, HaKU performed at a rock festival in the city of Taipei called “ROCK BANDOH!” HaKU performed on the main stage, which was constructed on the site where a Taipei flower exposition was originally held.

Although it was HaKU’s first performance in Taiwan, the audience cheered loudly when they took the stage during the intro to “dye it white.” During “the day,” vocalist/guitarist Tsujimura asked the audience in Chinese to sing along with him, and the audience responded with a great chorus of singing, showing their obvious excitement. HaKU performed a total of seven songs, mainly songs from the album that they will release in April. HaKU’s classic, aggressive performance and heavy sound brought the crowd to a climax of excitement, leaving an intense impact on Taiwan’s rock fans.

The event took place over two days, March 28 and 29, and also featured Japanese bands The BONEZ and Hello Sleepwalkers. Artists from Taiwan as well as from countries like China and Hong Kong also participated in the event, creating a lineup filled with variety. HaKU gave a performance that indicates that perhaps they can make the jump outside of Japan and into the Asian market as a whole.

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