taffy, a Japanese band that is receiving the most attention in England released two new songs yet to be on sale in Japan.



taffy, is a Japanese quartet band who conquered the music media in England in 2012. A band that has no songs released in Japan suddenly appeared in the music scene of England. They were featured in one of the most influential musical magazine in the world, (England) on the opening page as a Japanese rookie band for the first time. Subsequently, they received rave reviews from one of the three major papers in England, “Guardian”, and also from about 100 English medias. In a flash, they became well known in the UK scene.

Subsequently from last year, they will be releasing a new album “Lixiviate” on June 17th (Mon) all over Europe through “AC30”, label that produced EXIT CALM and RINGO DEATHSTARR. As a forerunner, a double A sided two new singles that are to be released on May 27th (Mon) are available for download to audition through “CLASH MUSIC”(Eng.).

Pop and catchy song “Tumbling” is available for audition. The other is a fearlessly covered song of a hidden masterpiece by The Cure Boys, “Boys Don’t Cry” who will be coming to Japan as a headliner for this year’s Fujirock. Bother songs are yet to be released in Japan. You shall listen to it first to pursue the outlook of the world.

Official Website:

“Tumblimg””Boys Don’t Cry” Audition Page(Clash Music):