GLAY / First Asia Tour Starting in May!
GLAY announced the schedule for their very first Asia tour [GLAY ASIA TOUR 2013 “JUSTICE & GUILTY”] kicking off in May. On this tour, GLAY will bring their recent 2 albums “JUSTICE” and “GUILTY” simultaneously released on 1/23/2013 to 4 selected cities in Asia. The tour will begin in Hong Kong and continue on to Seoul, Bangkok and Taipei, covering 4 cities in total. For Taipei, it has been 2 years since their last live in 2011. For the rest of the cities, this will be the first time for GLAY to perform and meet the fans in each country. Check the schedule below and don’t miss out on this chance to join the audience if your city is listed!
Tour Information:
5/25/2013(Sat) Asia World-Arena / Hong Kong, China
6/1/2013(Sat) Jamshil Stadium / Seoul, Korea
6/15/2013(Sat) IMPACT Arena / Bangkok, Thailand
7/6/2013(Sat) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center / Taipei, Taiwan
Official Website: http://www.glay.co.jp
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/glayofficial
Twitter: http://twitter.com/glay_official
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/GLAY