Sally Miura / First Overseas Performance in Korea
Sally Miura’s very first overseas performance took place on 1/25/2013 at New Century Hall in the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, Korea. This live was organized as a new project by PROMIC(Foundation for Promotion of Music industry and Culture) and JMIC(Japan Music Information Center) of the Japanese Embassy in Korea in order to encourage cultural promotion and interaction with other countries through music.
Sally Miura performed in the showcase held at “TIMM(TOKYO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC MARKET),” an event to promote world music business interaction, last year in Odaiba. Her participation and interaction at TIMM led to the invitation to this live event hosted by PROMIC and JMIC.
Official Website: http://sally-web.jp/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MiuraSally
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/miura-sally/
Sally Miura