Morning Musume。/ First Worldwide Handshake Event Tour!
Morning Musume。had the kickoff event of “Hello! Project 15th Anniversary ~THANK YOU~ Worldwide Handshake Events” in Bangkok, Thailand. At the venue of Gateway Ekamai with a special stage, 3,000 enthusiastic fans gathered together to meet the members whom they have been waiting for a long time.
At the handshake event, the members interacted with many fans by expressing their gratitude as they repeated, “Kob kun kaa (‘thank you’ in Thai)” with big smiles on their faces. Their next stops for the handshake event tour are Paris, France on 10/30 and Seoul, Korea on 11/7 in hope that Morning Musume。will be introduced to more people in various corners of the world.
Official Website: http://www.helloproject.com/morningmusume/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/morningmusumeofficial
Morning Musume。