MATSU (EXILE) / Live Screening One-man Show at Movie Theaters
[“MATSU Bocchi 02” –Ginga yori aiwo komete-] by Toshio Matsumoto (a.k.a. MATSU from EXILE) will be made available for live screening for viewers not only in Japan, but also in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
This show, filled with laughter and tears of ultimate entertainment by Toshio Matsumoto who aims for the world stage, is scheduled for 10/24~28 at Ginga Gekijo in Tennozu. The final show will be open for live screening at selected theaters in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Live Screening Information:
Live Viewing of [“MATSU Bocchi 02” –Ginga yori aiwo komete-] by Toshio Matsumoto
Date: 10/28/2012(Sun)
Time: 17:00~ (JST) *Actual live screening varies from one location to another
Starring: Toshio Matsumoto (MATSU from EXILE)
Directed by: Kensaku Kobayashi
Venue: Selected theaters in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan
*Please check local information for your location
Information URL: http://www.liveviewing.jp/matsu-lv/
Official Website: http://exile.jp/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/exile.jp
EXILE for JAPAN: http://www.ldh.co.jp/exileforjapan/
US iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/artist/exile/id74067869