Mika Arisaka
Mika Arisaka, a singer/songwriter/ vocal chorus arranger, a member of Jazzy Sport (www.myspace.com/jazzysport) from Tokyo, came back from the U.S. in 1999 after ten years of staying includes the attendence and graduation from Berklee College of Music. She joined Reggae Disco Rockers (www.myspace.com/reggaediscorockers) as a main vocalist since 2004, released three albums. She also has been featured in many Japanese artists includes cro-magnon,Jazztronik, Home Grown, and many other artists from underground club scenes to major . She has released her first self- produced solo album “Aquantum” from Pony Canyon/ Knife Edge in summer of 2008.
Victor Entertainment: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Profile/A014076.html
Blog: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/mikaarisakasings/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/mikaarisaka
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MikaArisaka
Mika Arisaka