A kaleidoscopic guitar rock band from Kobe City. A big name band in Kobe who have become recognized nationally.
Became runner-up in the 3rd season of Nippon TV’s “Otomoe!” when they were just high school students. Performed live at Zepp Tokyo. Has performed with “the telephones”, “your gold”, “my pink”, “Takeuchi Denki”, “ghostnote”, “HaKU”, “WHITE ASH”, “FoZZtone”, “N’Shukugawa BOYS”, “THE BAWDIES”, “UNISON SQUARE GARDEN”, “avengers in sci-fi”, “WEAVER”, and “Kuroneko Chelsea”.
In 2011, for the first time, performed solo at Kobe VARIT which attracted 180 fans. Although it was their first appearance at MINAMI WHEEL 2011, attracted a crowd that surpassed the admission limit at Kita Horie club vijon.
In April 2012, made their first national EP release with “Tid”.
Official Website: http://16.xmbs.jp/fuzzylogic/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/fuzzylogic90
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/fuzzylogic90