THE SxPLAY (Sayuri Sugawara) Will Be Releasing Anime PV Theme Song “Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru” Adapted from Yusuke Yamada’s Novel on November Third (Fri). Also Short version of the Anime PV Has Been Published.
THE SxPLAY (Yukari Sugawara) will be releasing a single titled “Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru” on November third (Fri) as digital downloads.
This is the anime PV theme song for “Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru” ,originally written as a novel by Yusuke Yamada for the first time in four years.
She came up with the title after reading the novel and named the song after the novel.
The Anime PV production team was named “Boku Robo Project“ including YHE SxPLAY (Sayuri Sugawara) for the theme song, A-1 Pictures known for “Shigatsu ha Kimi no Uso” for animation, loundraw for character design known for illustration for “Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai”, and Jiyu Irino and Kana Hanazawa as voice actor and actresses. The anime PV goes with the novel so the readers can have more fun with the written words, which is a new effort from physical book industry.
The long-awaited novel will be out on October 21st (Sat) and Anime PV will be published in the beginning of November.
Surely you can enjoy the song differently when you read the novel.
The B side includes a special version featuring voice actor/actres Jiyu Irino and Kana Hanazawa.
THE SxPLAY (Sayuri Sugano) Comment
I’m really honored to be a part of “Boku Robo” project team!
I can’t hold this excitement any longer. Yusuke Yamada’s original novel makes you laugh, cry and emotional, and I’m looking forward to see how this song inspired by the novel will be delivered to you.
Please enjoy the world of Yusuke Yamada through the book, anime, illustration, music and other forms of art.
1・Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru
2・Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru with Boku Robo Project
3・Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru (Instrumental)
【Boku ha Robot Goshi no Kimi ni Koi wo Suru Anime PV(Short ver)】
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Sayuri Sugawara,THE SxPLAY