The GazetteE: “TRACES VOL.2” distributed worldwide in 86 countries and regions
The GazettE’s best ballads album, “TRACES VOL.2”, is available worldwide in 86 countries and regions. The CD is scheduled to be released in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Europe at a later date.
In 2016, the GazettE met their overseas fans by going on a 10-country, 15-city world tour spanning North America, Central America, South America, Asia, and Europe. Following the worldwide release of the best ballads album, their tour documentary, titled “the GazettE WORLD TOUR 16 DOCUMENTARY DOGMATIC -TROIS-“ will be digitally released on Friday, March 24 in 58 countries.
Official website: http://www.pscompany.co.jp/gazette/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/gazetteSMEJ
RUKI’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/RUKItheGazettE
AOI’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/official_aoi
Official label website: http://www.pscompany.co.jp/
the GazettE