Ikimonogakari 10th anniversary show live-streamed
Ikimonogakari is going to throw events titled “Cho Ikimono Matsuri 2016 Kimoto de Show!!” held at Ebina Undo Koen, Kanagawa Tokyo on the 27th and 28th of August, and at Atsugishi Ogino Undo Koen on the 10th and 11th of September. The show on the 28th of August and 11th of September will be live-streamed at theaters in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
This event is to celebrate Ikimono Gakari’s 10th anniversary. The show are expected to draw 100 thousand fans. Check the details on the live-stream theaters on the special websites.
Live Viewing: http://liveviewing.jp/contents/ikimonomatsuri/
Official Website: http://ikimonogakari.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IKIMONOofficial