X JAPAN Documentary “We Are X” Screened at Film Festivals around the World
Following its screening at the Seattle International Film Festival, Moscow Beats Film Festival, the film also made its way into Shanghai International Film Festival
“We Are X” media tour continues, Yoshiki to appear at
Guanajuato International Film Festival
X JAPAN’s documentary “We Are X” has been nominated for numerous competitions at various renowned film festivals around the world. The film was recently screened at Seattle International Film Festival which ran May 19th – June 12th. Most recently, the film made its way into Shanghai International Film Festival in Shanghai, China.
“We Are X” won Special Jury Award for Best Editing at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival in January of 2016. At SXSW Film Festival, the film won the Best Title Design. Most recently, on June 3rd, the film was screened at Beat Film Festival in Moscow, Russia.
Yoshiki is currently traveling around the world and actively supporting the film through press conferences, media interviews and appearances on radio and TV, as well as meeting with potential film distributors. Yoshiki’s next film festival appearance is Guanajuato International Film Festival where We Are X has been selected out of 4,000 submissions to be screened at an outdoor venue of National Monument to a 3,000 capacity crowd.
Yoshiki appeared on the most popular TV show nationwide in Russia called ‘Evening Urgant’ during his Moscow visit. He performed piano and did a drum battle against a popular Russian drummer.
“We Are X” is gaining notoriety as the first feature-length Japanese bio pic to win world-class film awards.
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Official Website: http://www.yoshiki.net
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Nico Nico Channel: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/yoshikiofficial