Dempagumi.inc In Charge Of First-Ever Anime Opening Theme Song: 90% Of Lyrics Is “Nyuru Nyuru”
It has been revealed that Dempagumi.inc will be featured as the artist in charge of the opening these song for the TV anime, “Nyury Nyuru!! KAKUSEN Kun”, the first-ever anime to feature a comedone (blakhead/whitehead) as main character. The anime began airing on Yomiuri Television at 1:58AM on July 8; Denpagumi.inc’s song was revealed for the first time with the airing of the first episode.
The opening song, “Nyuru Nyuru Miracle”, was written exclusively for this TV anime and about 90% of the lyrics is comprised of the phrase, “nyuru nyuru” (onomatopoeia for the sound of comedones oozing out). It is a memorable song with lyrics full of impact. Check out the opening video to get a count for the number of times the phrase “nyuru nyuru” is used in the song.
“Nyuryu Nyuru!! KAKUSEN Kun” features a comedone (our little friends that reside in our pores) as the anime’s main character. Characters that appear in the anime include Nyuruo, who was born on a nose; the easygoing, moronic character, Kaku Senpai; Kaku Sense, who has profound knowledge about the world of comedones and Nyuna, who is into dieting and fashion. Enjoy the surreal humor created by the interactions between these unique comedone characters.
“Nyuru Nyuru!! KAKUSEN Kun” Official Website: http://kakusen-kun.com/
Official Website: http://dempagumi.dearstage.com/
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