Kuroyume’s Video Clip of “KINGDOM”, Partial Release on YouTube
Part of Kuroyume`s new song “KINGDOM”’s video clip was released on YouTube.In the video clip, Kiyoharu and Hitoki is featured while performing, possibly on a roof of a building. Stimulating English words such as “CRUSH”, “BROKEN”, “SAD”, “HATEFUL&SERIOUS”, and “DEATH” is shown, and is created in a way that stirs the viewer’s imagination.
The single which “KINGDOM” is recorded in will be sold at the Live “DIVE INTO THE KINGDOM” which will be held on September 6th at Zepp DiverCity TOKYO of Tokyo, and at Zepp Namba of Osaka on the 14th.
Sept. 6th (Fri.) 2013 Zepp DiverCity TOKYO, Tokyo
Sept. 14th (Sat) 2013 Zepp Namba, Osaka
Official Website: http://kuroyume.jp/
Myapace: http://www.myspace.com/kuroyume-official
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KuroyumeOfficial
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/kuroyume-blog
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kuroyume_info
Official Merchandise: http://fullface-en.jp/