LUNA SEA / End of Countdown & Announcement of Budokan Lives
Since a while ago, a mysterious countdown has been posted on LUNA SEA’s official website. You probably couldn’t stop guessing what it was for, but now the pleasant surprise is finally revealed. LUNA SEA will perform at Osaka-jo Hall on 12/23/2012 and at Nippon Budokan in 1/2013 for 6 days! Their very last performance at Budokan was back in 5/2000 for “PREMIRE OF LUNACY 2000” and at Osaka-jo was back in 8/2000 for “LUNA SEA CONCERT TOUR 2000 BRAND NEW CHAOS.”
Especially for Budokan, most fans remember this venue as a special place where many LUNA SEA legends were born. LUNA SEA’s very first Budokan live was delayed due to a storm and “PREMIRE OF LUNACY 2000” was held at Budokan prior to the album release of “LUNACY.” With such cherished memories, Budokan is a legendary venue as sacred as Tokyo Dome. In 1/2013, LUNA SEA will write another new chapter of their legend at Budokan.
No one seems to know exactly when and what details will be follow, and the members are not going to break their silence anytime soon. For now, we will just keep an eye out for more details on “LIVE 2012-2013 The End of the Dream” and enjoy this waiting time by imagining beyond time and space about where LUNA SEA will take us to, in their next chapter.
Live Information:
LUNA SEA LIVE 2012-2013
“The End of the Dream”
Venue: Osaka-jo Hall
Date: 12/23/2012(Sun)
Time: OPEN 16:00 / START 17:00
1/11/2013(Fri) OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30
1/12/2013(Sat) OPEN 16:00 / START 17:00
1/13/2013(Sun) OPEN 14:00 / START 15:00
1/18/2013(Fri) OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30
1/19/2013(Sat) OPEN 16:00 / START 17:00
1/20/2013(Sun) OPEN 14:00 / START 15:00
Ticketing will begin on 9/1/2012(Sat) from 10AM!
All Reserved Seating: 9,000 yen (tax in) *Ticket required for anyone above the age of 3
LUNA SEA LIVE Information Hotline: 0180-99-3221 (Japanese Only)
Official Website: http://www.lunasea.jp
Official Facebook: http://facebook.com/lunaseareboot
Official Twitter: http://twitter.com/lunaseaofficial
Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/lunaseachannel
Official USTREAM: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/lunasea