14th Tokyo International Music Market (14th TIMM) Showcase live will be broadcasted in 6 counrties/areas!
A series of special performances by J-pop/J-rock uprising artists taken place in Shibuya on 23,24, 25 Oct., 14th Tokyo International Music Market showcase live will be back next month!
Among 19 artists performed at the 14th TIMM Live, 10 artists picked up by WAKUWAKU JAPAN and edited the program. This will be broadcasted next month (January 2018) in 6 countries/areas, which are Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mongolia and Taiwan.
The program details are as follows;
<“14th TIMM Live -J-Music to the world-” program information>
Program title:「14 th TIMM Live -J-Music to the world- Part.1/ Part.2」(30min×2stories)
Performing artists(editing order):(Part.1)Nulbarich/NEGOTO/kradness/Over The Top/FAKY/(Part.2)ASH DA HERO/SILENT SIREN/PinocchioP/Anly/Bentham
Broadcast countries/area:Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mongolia and Taiwan
Broadcast schedule:21st January 2018 (Sun.) 00:15~・00:45~(Taiwan)
28th January 2018 (Sun.) 23:15~・23:45~(Indonesia, Singapore)
28th January 2018 (Sun.) 22:45~・23:15~(Myanmar)
28th January 2018 (Sun.) 21:45~・22:15~(Sri Lanka)
29th January 2018 (Mon.) 00:45~・01:15~(Mongolia)
* Each station are scheduled to broadcast later within 24hrs of the first broadcast. For details please check each station site.
Supported by: Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)
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Official site : http://www.wakuwakujapan.tv/
WAKUWAKU JAPAN view area:Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam