Hiromi Uehara Hits No.1 on US Billboard Jazz Chart
Hiromi Uehara and The Trio Project’s album “SPARK”, released on April 1, ranked No. 1 on the Billboard’s weekly “JAZZ ALBUMS” chart on April 23, making her first appearance on the Billboard chart (www.billboard.com/charts/jazz-albums).
Her highest rank ever was with her last album “ALIVE” which reached third on the jazz chart. The album “SPARK”, as her 10th CD, became her first to earn No.1. She is the second Japanese artist to rank No. 1 for the jazz chart after the Japanese pianist Keiko Matsui, 15 years ago, in year 2001.
Official Website: http://www.hiromiuehara.com/en/
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Blog: http://www.hiromiuehara.com/blog/
Hiromi Uehara