Faint★Star Appointed as the Official Ambassador of “Jogja Japan Week 2015”, the Biggest Japan Culture in Indonesia.
Faint★Star is an upcoming hybrid girl pop duo, who just made a big buzz after their show at “J-POP SUMMIT 2015” in August in San Francisco following the release of their fist album “PL4E” on July 7th in US, Indonesia and Taiwan. After their first international show in Indonesia, they are appointed as the official ambassador of “Jogja Japan Week 2015”.
“Jogja Japan Week 2015”, is the second annual Japan culture event expected to draw 50 thousand people, to held from September 3rd to the 6th in Jog Jakarta, Indonesia, which boasts historical heritages.
Faint★Star will be appointed by Princess Gusti Mangkubumi as the official ambassador and is to receive the certificate. They are going to give special lectures on J-POP culture at a national university.
During the event, the duo along with King Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Princess Gusti Mangkubumi andthe Japanese ambassador in Indonesia are going to cut the tape. They are going to both kimono and batik (Indonesian traditional wax textile) and participate in a fashion show. On September 5th(Sat), they will performa twice as the main act.
“Jogja Japan Week 2015: http://jogjajapanweek.com
Official website: http://www.faintstar-tokyo.jp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faintstar.tokyo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/faintstar_tokyo