“Xie Xie Taiwan!” D=OUT, Deeply Touched at Their Asia Tour Final
D=OUT had the final performance of their largest Asia Tour ever at Taipei LEGACY of Taiwan on the 23rd. Starting from June 12th at Taipei, TAIWAN, it is a 3 day performance across countries such as Seoul, KOREA, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, CHINA, and Hong Kong on the 21st, Macau the next day, and finally back in Taipei of Taiwan.
Since it had been almost a year since the last concert held in Taipei, about 500 fans gathered at the site despite the rain. As soon as the members were shown fully on the large screen, cheers went across the auditorium.
The call for an encore continued even after the members left the stage, and the members reappeared on stage. The fans rejoiced over the fact that they were no longer wearing their stage costume but a T-shirt that said “Xie Xie Taiwan” (Thank you Taiwan).
Official Website: http://www.pscompany.co.jp/d-out/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DOUT_Official/389769751043917
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/doutofficial