Hiroshi Morikawa’s solo unit. After studying music composition at a music university, began singing to his own piano accompaniment around his hometown Osaka. In 2006, changed name to Rails-Tereo. Since then, has performed at FM802’s live event “MINAMI WHEEL” 3 years in a row and released the 1st full-length album “Pop Sings Pop Things” In March 2012. His bright, smooth melodies and his gentle voice has attracted many fans. In April 2013, his 2nd full-length album “Piano Pop Life” will be released as his first major label release.
Official Website: http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~rails-tereo/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/railstereo
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RailsTereo
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/railstereo