Hajime Mizoguchi
Hajime Mizoguchi started playing the piano at the age of three, and the cello at the age of eleven. He majored in cello at Tokyo University of Arts in the music department. While in the university, he played for Junko Yagami, Chika Ueda and Karyoubin, and after graduation he played mainly as a studio musician for 6 years. At the age of 24, e suffered whiplash from the accident he caused, when he started writing music for sleep in order to get away from the pain. Those songs for sleep were written as his solo works, and in 1986 he made his solo debut with “ Halfinch Dessert” from CBS SONY. Since then, he has been writing and performing in various genres such as classic, pops and rocks.
Many of his works are used in films and TV programs. One of his most notable works is the theme for “See the World by Train”, which has been aired for 28 years. Also he appeared on TV commercials for Japan Tobacco Peace Light and Galaxy, leaving some impressions over general audience. He also appears on TV as a talent, especially on traveling shows.
Official Website: http://mizoguchi.strikingly.com/
Hajime Mizoguchi