YUKI of BENNIE K will release an album of songs she produced!
YUKI of popular rock group BENNIE K will release a compilation album of songs that she produced under the name YUKI JOLLY ROGER.
YUKI (from BENNIE K) announced at the height of their popularity in 2009 that she would dedicate herself to producing under the name YUKI JOLLY ROGER. She started BK project to support talented artists, regardless of pro or amateur status. YUKI was the producer / sound creator on SPEED’s fifth album “4 COLORS” and Hiroko Shimabukuro’s “WATASHINO Okinawa”. She is releasing her first full album, “The Logbook I” on February 23.
There will be several new songs in addition to the rare songs that are exclusively on the official BENNIE K fan site, BK mobile “YUKI’s ROOM”. Previews of the songs will be available on the YUKI JOLLY ROGER of BK Project YouTube channel.
Release information
YUKI JOLLY ROGER of BK Project / The Logbook I
Released on February 23, 2015
¥2,500 (tax not included) / ARGZ-0001
* CD is limited to NSV STORE only
→ http: //nsvstore.com/
Reservation period: Until February 16, 2015 (Monday) 23:59
Produced by YUKI JOLLY ROGER of BK Project “The Logbook I”
Track listing
01. – Opening –
02. Way To Heaven / Kanaha Mori
03. But I Will / AISHA
04. Save That Girl / Emi Hinouchi
05. Glorious Days / Haruka Okabe
06. After The Storm / THE SxPLAY
07. Do not Take Me Back / mayula
08. That’s Not Funny / Jam
09. Cinderella Syndrome / BENNIE BECCA with DJ HI-KICK
10. About Love / SNoW
11. Be Strong / Tina
12. – Interlude –
13. World Bridge / Emi Hinouchi, SNoW, Haruka Okabe
Official site
BENNIEK http://benniek.jp/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/YukiJollyRoger
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNzmcEAkH3JvikAjYLsRZAw