indigo la End and GESU NO KIWAME OTOME, Taiwan release of first albums
indigo la End’s first full major album “SHIAWASE GA AFURERU” and GESU NO KIWAME OTOME’s first full major album “MIRYOKU GA SUGOIYO” will be released simultaneously on CD in Taiwan. Both bands’ mobile fan clubs will also launch in the spring of 2015.
This simultaneously release was sparked by indigo la End’s February 4 release of “SHIAWASE GA AFURERU”. Enon Kawatani’s other band, GESU NO KIWAME OTOME, originally released “MIRYOKU WA SUGOIYO” on October 29, 2014. Japanese rock and bands are steadily becoming more popular in Taiwan. The albums will be released in Taiwan on February 10 (local time). A Chinese subtitled version of the band’s music video will be aired on MTV Taiwan in mid-February.
indigo la End
Official website: http://indigolaend.com/
Official website: http://gesunokiwamiotome.web.fc2.com/
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/gesunokiwamiotome/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gesu_otome
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/gesunokiwamiotome
Gesunokiwamiotome,indigo la End