

Now, the flower blooms, a “song” to heal the era.
What drew Renka in initially was “poetry”.
The first book her father bought her, with Misuzu Kaneko’s
“Me, the Bird, and the Bell”
Though she was little, she found salvation in the line,
“We’re all different, we’re all good.” It was the first book she chose herself.
She became absorbed in poetry and began writing poems every day, like a journal.
Several years later, in 4th grade, when she met her music teacher, who had experience with gospel.
She came to know the pleasure of putting “poetry” to “sound” and singing.
When she was approaching my mid-teens, the “poetry” she wrote daily turned into “lyrics.”
With her notebook overflowing with bursting emotions and thoughts she could not well convey,
She began to create “sound” for her “lyrics”.
By putting thoughts she could not express with mere words to sound and creating a “song”,
She felt she could express herself.
”Songs” became her support.
Now, she wishes for her “song” to be the support for someone else…. “To be someone’s flower.”
The name, “Renka”… like the flower of the lotus, sprouting from the thick mud,
Yet healing the beholder with its dignified strength and sacred beauty,
Her voice, pure and sacred.
Her voice, full of the power to convey feelings, to heal the listener.
The meeting of “poetry” with “sound” to form “lyrics”,
“lyrics” sublimated into “song.”
Through these “songs”, Renka strives to let the flowers of this era bloom.
To be someone’s flower.
favorite music:Jane Birkin/Enya / Carpenters / Madonna / Cyndi Lauper …etc.
favorite place:Places where water flows. Places that smell of books. Places where there are flowers.
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