Little Glee Monster confirmed as Japan representative for “J-POP SUMMIT 2015”
Little Glee Monster is a girl vocal group that performed at last year’s “16th ACG Hong Kong”, Asia’s largest anime / game festival. This year, they are scheduled to perform at “J-POP SUMMIT 2015” in the U.S.
Prime Minister Abe promised to push the Japanese and American cultural exchange this year in April. J-POP Summit is the first event in this process. Despite being new-comers, Little Glee Monster are recognized for their solid singing, and as a result, have been invited to represent Japan at “J-POP SUMMIT 2015”.
Official website: http://www.littlegleemonster.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LittleGleeMonster
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LittleGleeMonst
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleGleeMonsterYT
Little Glee Monster