[Live report] MAN WITH A MISSION, “The ultimate thanks and gratitude” – “JAPAN NIGHT” DAY 2
“SAYONARA KOKURITSU KYOGIJO FINAL WEEK JAPAN NIGHT” is the last music event to be held at the National Stadium (KOKURITSU KYOGIJO). The first night of the event was called “Yell for Japan”. The second night was called “Japan to the World”, and showcased four Japanese artists who are popular overseas. SEKAI NO OWARI, Perfume, MAN WITH A MISSION, and L’Arc-en-Ciel, were chosen for as these artists. Here, we will bring you the live report for the MAN WITH A MISSION performance.
MAN WITH A MISSION took the stage first on the second day of the event. The crowd was ready and waiting with their hands in the air from the intro. They shouted as towering flames shot up on stage during “Evils Fall”. The band followed with “Get Off of My Way” and got the crowd pumping. Vocalist/Guitarist Jean-Ken Johnny hyped up the crowd by shouting, “OK, are you ready?! Bring it on!”
“Hello again humans! We are MAN WITH A MISSION. Finally, this day has come. You’ve all gathered at this wonderful field that has hosted so many legendary events and sports competitions.”
Jean-Ken Johnny told the packed crowd of 60,000, “Let’s give the biggest thanks to this Kokuritsu Kyogijo that has given us so many dreams. Lets have fun to the very end.” The crowd applauded at Johnny’s heartfelt words.
Their third song, “Higher”, cut through the blue sky over Kokuritsu. They then raised the voltage with “Database” and went into their trademark song, “FLY AGAIN”. The crowd waved their hands side to side during the chorus. MAN WITH MISSION’s lyrics are heavily based in English, but their music sees no borders. They grabbed the audiences’ hearts with their passionate performance.
“Thank you so much for invited us wolves to this “higher” stage. Kokuritsu seems to be leaving us for the time being, but will come back later. Until then, we want to give this place our ultimate thanks and gratitude and send it off with a bang. Please enjoy the show to the very end.”
They closed their set with the emotional melodies and lyrics of “Emotions”. Just as the lyrics said, MAN WITH A MISSION left their intense passion on the stage as they walked off.
Before they left the stage, the band shared a “1,2,3, Grrrr!” with the crowd. Drummer Spear Rib was probably the only person ever to do this on the Kokuritsu stage.
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