HKT48 will recruit members in Taiwan
HKT48 held a concert in Taiwan as an extra date on the
Rino Sashihara was handed a piece of paper during her speech in the middle of the show. This made the fans and the other members anxious and restless. Because of the huge reception of the Taipei 101 event from the previous night, “Taiwan AKB48 group member auditions” were suddenly confirmed and announced. The members said, “We are surprised!”, and the audience reacted the same way.
Recruiting for AKB48 group members in Japan will start in Taiwan. Details will be posted on AKB48’s official site at a later date. There will come a day when cute girls of Taiwan get to represent as an AKB member. Just the thought of it is cause for excitement.
Official website: http://www.hkt48.jp/
Google+: http://www.google.com/intl/ja/+/project48/
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/hkt48
Universal Music: http://www.universal-music.co.jp/hkt48/