WORLD ORDER to appear on Internet Radio Program
Performance group “WORLD ORDER” spoke out their secret story about shooting of Music Video which is getting remarkable attention as playing 30 million times on you tube.
Many of Locations in their music video is set in public and when they play their music at shooting place, they try various measures.
WORLD ORDER is getting high reputation withtheir creative and artistic performance both in overseas and within the country of Japan. You can only hear this secret story behind music video production on internet radio station “Enjoy Network Japan”(http://www.jibtv.com/enj/). You can find out the truth of secret on program “Artist of the Month”.
Enjoy Network Japan “Artist of the Month”
Original air date: (JST)
July 5th (Fri)
7:00~ / 11:00~ / 15:00~ / 19:00~ / 23:00~ / 3:00~
Rebroadcasting: (JST)
Sun. 7:00~ / 11:00~ / 15:00~ / 19:00~ / 23:00~ / 3:00~
Tue .7:00~ / 11:00~ / 15:00~ / 19:00~ / 23:00~ / 3:00~
WORLD ORDER official site