Momoiro Clover Z / Overseas Live in Malaysia
Momoiro Clover Z will participate in “National Youth Day Celebration (HARI BELIA NEGARA 2012)” to be held in Putrajaya, Malaysia on 5/26/2012. This event is hosted by Malaysia’s Ministry of Youth and Sports and Momoiro Clover Z will perform at a special stage made for the JAPAN booth.
“National Youth Day Celebration (HARI BELIA NEGARA 2012)”
Dates: 5/23/2012(Wed) – 5/27/2012(Sun)
Venue: Putrajaya, Malaysia
Official Website: http://www.momoclo.net/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/momoiroclover
Blog: http://star-studio.jp/momoclo/
Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/momoclotv
Momoiro Clover Z