Fragment. A beat-maker duo consisting of kussy and deii. Chairperson for the label “Sube no Ana”. With Hip-hop at their music’s core, creates their own unique music by incorporating musical ideas of various genres. Have produced and mixed for many artists of various genres including “Tsujiko Noriko”, “Gekitetsu”, “tengal6” etc. Created the commercial song for the 2007 Volleyball World Cup and movie sound tracks. “MAD POP” (2008), the collaboration CD with ROY Tamaki, and their 2nd album “vital signs” (2010), were chosen as best disk, and made an substantial impact on the music scene. In live performances, uses 2 samplers and PC along with leno’s visuals. Performs in various events ranging from large-scale music festivals including “DOMMUNE”, “Sense of Wonder 2011”, “Ringo Ongakusai”, “REPUBLIC”, and “Denpa” to smaller music clubs. In September 2011, released “Surudo ku Sasa ru”, and in February 2012, released their first instrumental album “narrow cosmos 104”.
Official Website: http://subenoana.net/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/subenoana