Usotsuki Barbie
The band was formed in 2002 in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture. They are a trio of Yusuke Iwashita (B & Vo.), Toshiya Chibu (Gt.), and Shigeru Toyota (Dr.). They debuted with the EP “Kodomo no Fukumiguse” (sold only at Tower Records) in March 2007. In January 2008, released 2nd EP, “Fueta 1 mo Guru”, and in November, released their first full-length album “Mondai no Second” (although it was their 3rd work to be released, they were adamant to call it their 2nd work). They sold out their first solo performances in Osaka (Juso Fandango) and Tokyo (Shimo Kitazawa SHELTER). Their free-spirited live performances have lead to addicted fans. A world idealized during childhood. A strange world in retrospect. Nostalgic and mysterious band, that is Usotsuki Barbie.
Official Website: http://www.usotsukibarbie.com/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/usotsukibarbie
Usotsuki Barbie