Violinist Ayasa, First-ever Paid Live Concert Broadcast with her Band to Broadcast on Nico Live & Bilibili on September 13!!
Ayasa’s first-ever solo paid live broadcast will broadcast on Niconico Live on September 13 (Sun) from 7:00pm (JST), 6:00pm (China Standard Time).
As her spring solo concert tour was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, Ayasa will be taking the stage with her band for the first time since January.
Gradually resuming making live appearances in the summer, Ayasa has since performed at the Fate/Grand Order Fes.2020 in Tokyo Dome, Niconico Chokaigi, the outdoors music event by BanG Dream! “Morfonica” and as a supporting member for Sayaka Yamamoto. Ayasa’s solo live event will finally make a return.
Speaking of Ayasa’s concerts, till now, she has held the “Ayasa Theater” series which focus on her original songs and the “ANISONG COVER NIGHT” which consists of solely anime songs. This time, Ayasa will be combining the two to create a different setlist in a concert titled Special LIVE which will also feature all her band members.
Ayasa who has continued to trend online and attract much attention for her appearances at events.
This live concert broadcast will definitely be one that will allow you to fully enjoy the charms of the solo artist, Ayasa.
【LIVE information】
Ayasa Special LIVE
※Ayasa will not be in cosplay for this concert.
【Niconico Live】
Broadcast Schedule: September 13, 2020 (Sun) 7:00pm~ (JST)
Ticket Information: 3,500 Niconico points (3,500 yen, tax-included)
Ticketing Period: August 28, 2020 (Fri) 7pm ~ October 12, 2020 (Mon) 11:59pm
For more details/to purchase tickets:
Broadcast Schedule: September 13, 2020 (Sun) 6:00pm~ (China Standard Time)
Ticket Information: 200 yuan (CNY)
Ticketing Period: August 28, 2020 (Fri) 6pm ~ September 13, 2020 (Sun) 7pm
For more details/to purchase tickets: