maidreamin charms Dubai fans at Middle East Film and Comicon
Three top members of Japan’s internationally-famous maid cafe, maidreamin, made a special appearance at Dubai’s Middle East Film and Comicon, held April 6-8 at Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.
The trio of maids — Peace (from Shinjuku), Hinata (Shibuya), and Iroha (Akihabara) — took a break from their busy schedules to perform authentic maid service for the fans at the MEFCC event, a return visit to the region for Peace and Hinata, who had traveled to Abu Dhabi ANI:ME in October 2016. They performed a live music show and greeted long lines of “masters and princesses” who requested autographs of their music CD Dream Collection, which included their singles “Yume No Kumatan”, “Suki Daekedo”, and “Dreamin Passport 10th Anniversary Version”.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/U7hjo6-jAsU
Peace, one of maidreamin’s most popular maids, said “There were so many people who love Japanese culture, anime, and fashion. I was so happy to meet them again!”
“Many people who visited us at Abu Dhabi ANI:ME came back to see us again,” Hinata said with a big smile. “They remembered not only our names, but our songs and even the dance! We were honored to perform in such a beautiful country.”
Hinata and Peace had visited the Middle East region before, but it was the first international event for Iroha. “I fell in love with the beautiful atmosphere and friendly vibe of MEFCC. It was a perfect fit for the maid café presented by maidreamin, they’re both places where you can enjoy fantasy and also be your true self.”
“I’ll be so happy if I can see you all again!” said Peace. “Please come to Akihabara and visit us when you come to Japan! MoeMoe Kyun!”
maidreamin at Middle East Film and Comicon (Dubai)
Set List
1. Dreamin Passport
MC – Self-Introductions
2. Yume no Kumatan
3. You’re My Shooting Star
4. You May Dreamin (New Version)
MC – Wotagei Demonstration
5. Dreamin Passport (encore version)
maidreamin is presented by NePt Japan, Inc.
Official Website: https://maidreamin.com/multilp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maidcafe.maidreamin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maidreamin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maidreamin