Eir Aoi Makes Local Fans Go Wild at First Independent Show in New York
Eir Aoi held her first independent show in New York.
The concert, filled with local fans, began with her 30-minute talk show. The main part of the show began when the fans’ excitement level raised to a fever with a video of a live concert in Japan put on the screen.
The concert was approximately an hour and 20 minutes with songs such as “INNOCENCE”, “IGNITE”, “Lapis Lazuri”, “Sirius”, and “Aku Sentia”.
In July, she will be performing at the “Anime Expo” which will be held in Los Angeles.
Official Website: http://www.aoieir.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aoieir
Twitter: http://twitter.com/eir_ruru
Google+: http://www.google.com/+aoieir/
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/eir-ruru/
mixi: http://p.mixi.jp/aoieir
Official VEVO YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/eiraoiVEVO
Eir Aoi