SAWA is a former high school teacher and DIY Producer-Artist. IN 2008, Sawa made her major label debut from Sony Music and after 5 years of career with Sony she went independent.
While writing for artists such as Nozomi Sasaki,Especia,Kanako Komatsu, Arisa Noto, Yu Terashima, and Idol Renaissance, she also so sang over 13 TV commercials such as Arinamin Zero, Bath Magiclin, LINE PAY, Meiji Yogurette&Hi Lemon. She has been actively writing for idols.
As an artist, she released a nine-song EP titled “Odore Balcony” including the self-cover of the songs written for Yu Terashima and KOTO and Message Track by Idol Renaissance .
She also hosts and event titled “Sawa Soni” once in two months. In summer, she organizes out door events with food stands and cafes.
Her live performance includes “DJ Tsunagiuta”, where she keeps singing to the DJ track she edited, and also love band style. She is a unique artist winning the credit from idols and idol geeks.
Official Website: http://www.sa-world.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sawa_saworld
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/saworld