Amuro Namie music video is the first to use Google Chrome extension
Amuro Namie released a music video that is the first in the world to use Google Chrome extension.
This latest music video is for the Google Chrome edition of “Anything” off of her “_genic” album that was released in May. It is the first-ever video to use Google Chrome extension. The released version of the video reveals clues and features windows and tabs that move. The computer becomes the world of “Anything”.
In the last scene, Amuro raises her right hand and a download starts automatically. A surprise present will be sent to those who watch the Google Chrome version of the video.
“Anything”, users should install Google chrome on their computers and search for “Namie Amuro” at the Chrome web store in order to watch the Google Chrome edition. Select “Namie Amuro ‘Anything’ for Google Chrome” and install. Then go to the Anything for Google Chrome special site, (, and open a new tab.
Official website:
Namie Amuro