Ken Hirai Guest Stars at GONTITI’s Double 60th Birthday Festival
Gontiti will host their 60th birthday (called Kanreki in Japan) event
This event celebrates the 60th birthday for Gonzalez Mikami , who turned 60 last month) and Titi Matsumura, who will turn 60 this in September. The show is Osaka will be held at Festival Fall on September 20th and Tokyo show will be held at Tokyo International Forum Hall C October 10th . Also they have announced that Ken Hirai will join the show in Osaka as an additional guest-star.
【Time】Open 17:00/Start 18:00
【Venue】Festival HAll
【Guest】Seiko Ito, Atsuki Kimura, Masayoshi Takanaka, Chitose Hajime, Ken Hirai
【Info】 Kyodo Information: 06-7732-8888(10:00-19:00)
【Time】Open 18:15/Start 19:00
【Venue】Tokyo International Forum Hall C
【Guest】EGO-WRAPPIN’、 Masayoshi Takanaka, Chitose Hajime, Tomoyo Harada
【Info】Kyodo Tokyo:
0570-550-799 (Weekday 11:00~18:00/Sat・Sun10:00~18:00)
Official Website: http://www.gontiti.jp
Special Website for “Gontiti Double Kanreki Festival-one hundred twenty of happiness”: http://www.gontiti6060.net