Ichiko Aoba, Taiwan & Hong Kong Live in April
It was announced that Ichiko Aoba will hold a live in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Aoba is planning the performance in Taiwan on April 26th and the performance in Hong Kong on the 27th. The performance in Taiwan will be titled “YOU & ME & Ichiko Aoba” and will perform with Hom Shenhao (Vo. G) of Touming Magazine.
April 26th (Sat.) 2014台湾・台北 東吳大學城區部遊藝廣場
Performers : Ichiko Aoba / Hom Shenhao
April 27th (Sun.) 2014香港・九龍灣 MegaBox通利演奏廳
Performers : Ichiko Aoba
Official Website: http://www.ichikoaoba.info/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ichikoaoba.info
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ichikoaoba
instagram: http://instagram.com/ichikoaoba#
Ichiko Aoba