HIFANA are breakbeats duo KEIZOmachine! & JUICY since 1998. .. HIFANA have always been known for original and creative live performance, during which they cut beats with realtime sampler (MPC) and incorporating scratch and percussion, without using programmed sequences. On the other hand, in their tracks on CDs and records, they heavily use programmed sounds and sequences to make HIFANA sounds. .. Their first full album “FRESH PUSH BREAKIN'” was released on November 19th, 2003 and created a buzz in music reviews. .. Their music video “FATBROS”, which is included in this album, won the Best CG / Animation Video Awards in the SPACE SHOWER TV MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS 04. .. And in July 0f 2005, HIFANA has released their 2nd full Album “Channel H”(CD+DVD) which includes 15 songs and 13 music videos. .. Music video “WAMONO” won Japan Media Arts Festival’s Excellence Prize. .. Then HIFANA and Space Shower TV released a DVD called “ZAMURAI TV” together which was a special TV program include performances of Japan’s most talented artists such as like HIFANA / GAGLE / AFRA / TUCKER / Leyona and etc.. .. One of HIFANA’s characteristic is a wide range of activities as artists. Their visual products have also received various awards internationally. .. HIFANA’s own label “Nampooh” has released battle breaks vinyl series “SOUND TOUCHABLE” and hold parties “ZAMURAI”. .. Their web-site and artworks are also directed and made by themselves.
Official Website: http://www.hifana.com/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/nampooh
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HIFANA_official