FLOW, Perform at Taiwan’s Largest Rock Fest. “TWINKLE ROCK FESTIVAL” Along with Aerosmith and MAN WITH A MISSION
Flow was chosen to perform on main stage of Taiwan`s largest rock fest, which will be held at Taiwan`s Kaohsiung National Stadium on August 24th.
Kaohsiung National Stadium is a open sports stadium holding international games. FLOW has been attending many fests abroad in recent years, but it will be their first one in Taiwan. There, they will be performing along with the famous men of rock, Aerosmith and MAN WITH A MISSION
<TWinkle Rock Festival 2013 Rock Sonic Day in Kaohsiung>
August 24th (Sat.) 2013
Kaohsiung National Stadium, Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN
Official Site URL http://www.twinklerockfestival.com/english.ht