The New “Sailor Moon” Theme Song Sung By Momoiro Clover Z Distributed Worldwide
At the production press conference of the new Sailor Moon on August 4th at Nicofarre, TOKYO, it was announced that this piece will be distributed worldwide through Nico-do (Nico Nico Douga, Japanese version of YouTube) and that Momoiro Clover Z will be in charge of the opening and ending song.
The 5 Momoclos sang an arranged version of the 1992 “Sailor Moon”`s theme song, “Moonlight Densetsu” at their Live held at Nissan Stadium “Momoiro Clover Z Momoclo Natsu no Baka Sawagi WORLD SUMMER DIVE 2013 8.4 Nissan Stadium Tournament”, and it was broad casted Live.
Also during the broadcast, Kanako Momota started her announce with “Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshiraseyo”, and announced that the song will be used as the theme song of the musical, “Sailor Moon –La reconquista- “, performed at AiiA Theater TOKYO on September 13th.
Shiori Tamai also re-announced the creation of the new anime “Sailor Moon” and its worldwide distribution, and Reni Takagi re-announced that Momoclo will be singing the opening and the ending song.
Official Website: http://www.momoclo.net/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/momoiroclover
Blog: http://star-studio.jp/momoclo/
Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/momoclotv
Momoiro Clover Z