Toko Furuuchi
Tokyo Furuichi made her single debut on February 21st 1993. Two months later, she released an album titled “SLOW DOWN”, followed by numerous hits. She was known as “The Guru of Love/ The Goddess of Love” based on her love song lyrics.
Her charm is in her honest singing about her own experience in romances, which is favored by female fans in the same generation. She even says she will quit singing when she can’t sing about love any more. Some are written from a man’s perspective but she unconsciously does that.
She was keen on western covers and released a western cover album “CRAZY FOR YOU” but in 2007 she said “Western covers are not for me” and covered “Nemurenu Yoru” by Hideki Saijo and “NIGHT WALKER” by Yumi Matsutoya.
There is an album of her covers by a French singer NATHALIE titled “Takaramono Toko Furuuchi French Collection.
On January 21st and September 2st 2010, she went to Joe’s Pub in New York to have a solo show with herself and the piano.
Official Website: http://www.tokofuruuchi.net/
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/furuuchitoko/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tokofuruuchi
Toko Furuuchi