chi-na / Live Tour in Canada
Consisted of a piano-playing vocalist, a violinist, a guitar/synthesizer player, a contrabassist and a support drummer, chi-na is so much more than just an acoustic band as they strive to expand the boundaries of sounds. For such efforts and achievement of their original sounds, they have been attracting much attention overseas. Along with Akai Kouen and NATSUMEN, chi-na went on a live tour to Canada and received much attention and support from the local fans.
chi-na’s new tour will start off on 7/16 at mole in Sapporo and will move on to Canada. The tour will be concluded with the tour final live at Daikanyama on 11/11. This tour will cover 4-5 locations in Canada including Vancouver and Toronto during October 2012 (more information TBA).
Official Website: http://www.chiina.net
Official Blog: http://chi-nablog.jugem.jp/