On January 29 the legendary band Kuroyume broke up without as much as an announcement and left millions of fans wondering if they would ever return. Tens years later to the day, KUROYUME performed at Japan’s most famous arena, the Budokan, with a show called “The End”– was this their true farewell performance?
The riveting show, performed in front of 13,500 screaming fans had sold out in minutes and left as many as 100,000 people trying, but unable to get their hands on a ticket.
This was not “The End”, but rather the beginning of a new KUROYOME, with new members, in a new decade, at the start of a new journey.
At the same time as reforming KUROYOME, leader Kiyoharu had reformed his band Sads, and had confirmed that he would be continuing his solo work, which had been going on since 2003. To Kiyoharu, the words “reunion” meant nothing. All that mattered to him was that he continue his search for himself through his solo career while jump-starting two “new” projects in 2010–KUROYOME and Sads.
Official Website: http://kuroyume.jp/
Myapace: http://www.myspace.com/kuroyume-official
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KuroyumeOfficial
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/kuroyume-blog
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kuroyume_info
Official Merchandise: http://fullface-en.jp/