KAO=S will appear at the special event “Japanese / Brazilian Friendship 120th anniversary ” (120 anos de amizade Japão/Brasil) held in Sao Paulo, Brazil in September



Japanese Art Rock Band KAO=S will appear at the “Hanabi Matsuri (Fireworks Festival) “ held in Sao Paulo on the12th of September. This is a special event to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Japanese and Brazilian friendship (120 anos de amizade Japão/Brasil.) The event will be held at the Intel Lagos circuit (Autódromo José Carlos Pace,) well known for hosting Formula One races. The event starts at 11:00 a.m. and the opera “Madam Butterfly” will have show on stage. Brazilian band Animadness (a band specialising in Japanese anime music) and Japanese female SKA band ORESKABAND will appear live as well. At night, about 4,500 fireworks will be launched by Japanese pyrotechnicians. Celebrated Japanese fashion designer Junko Koshino will produce the fireworks display. KAO=S will appear on stage from 3:30 pm and will perform a one hour show. (Photo by Mikio Ariga)

Over 400 Japanese / Brazilian Friendship 120th anniversary events will be held this year in Brazil, and “Hanabi Matsuri” is one of the biggest of these. This event will be KAO=S’s first performance in Brazil, which they feel is a great honour and will be a pleasure to do. KAO=S will perform songs from their new album in this event. The new album will be released this autumn. KAO=S will also appear at other events in various countries in September., including an international friendship event in Dalian. KAO=S will play their first live performance in China on September 4th and 5th. KAO=S will meet with many overseas fans and people in September.

Official Website link of Hanabi Maturi