Moso Calibration, WHY@DOLL, Rio Hiiragi Added to the Line-Up for Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei
Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei, which brings Japanese Kawaii to the Asian Market, will be held on November 16th at The Wall in Taiwan.
The event added 4 performers and the last to be announced was Moso Calibration, a sister group of Dempagumi. Inc.
Moso Calibration was formed in March 2013 at Akihabara Dear Stage, Tokyo, and their creative director is Mofuku Chan, who produces Dempagumi.inc. This will be their first performance overseas and they are expected to follow their sister’s path in the international market from here.
Also it was announced that Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei added an extra stage called “Upcoming Artist Stage” to feature upcoming artists. The performing acts are WHY@DOLL, an idol duo from Hokkaido, who made a major debut in September with a single “Magic Motion No.5”. The other is an internationally active singer, Rio Hiiragi, who performed at Japan-Taiwan Friendship Festival and JAPAN EXPO 2014. This changed the opening time of the event to 4:30 PM, and the performance will start at Up Coming Artist Stage at 5PM. Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei ticket includes admission to both stages.
Also, there will be an official fan tour for Japanese fans. The tour will be out on sale from October 11th. The details are to be announced at Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei website.
Along with already-announced acts, including AfiliaSaga, STARMARIE, SEISHUN Gakuen, and lyricalschool, the total of 7 Japanese major idols will hit the Asia market, bringing idol-culture sensation to Asia.
Official Web: http://littletokyocrazykawaii.net/
Ticket Website(華娛售票) http://www.walkieticket.com/product.aspx?P1=0000003386
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littletokyocrazykawaiitaipei
Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei
Open: 4:30 PM November 16th 2014
Performance: 5PM at Upcoming Artist Stage
Performance:6PM at Little Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei
Ticket Fee 800NTD
Artists: AfiliaSaga/STARMARIE/SEI SHUN Gakuen/lyricalschool/Moso Calibration /WHY@DOLL/Rio Hiiragi
Afilia Saga,lyricalschool,MOSO Calibration,Rio Hiiragi,Seishun Gakuen,Starmarie,WHY@DOLL