September of 2014, Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei Going to be Held



It was announced that Tokyo Crazy Kawaii will be held in Taipei of Taiwan from September 12th (Fri.) to 14th (Sun.) of 2014.

“Tokyo Crazy Kawaii” is a platform to introduce Japanese Kawaii Culture into different country’s lifestyle, and allow Japanese brands to enter oversea markets.

Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei will be held to introduce and localize leading Japanese culture to Taiwan, which is prepared to accept Japanese culture with “Made in Japan” already being a type of brand.

In Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei, wide varieties of contents such as Fashion, Music, Food, Anime& Games, Character (accessories), and Festivals will be displayed in a total of 6 areas. Last time it was held in Paris, there were 5 areas (Shibuya, Harajuku, Akihabara, Tsukiji, Japan), but this year Asakusa will also be added to the area.

Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei also has “Thanks Taiwan” was the event’s subtitle. This “Thanks” is the feeling of gratitude and wanting to show official appreciation toward the great support from Taiwan during the Tohoku Earthquake of 2011, such as the donations of over 20 billion yen (the largest donation given) and relief parties sent.

In the event, there are different plans for charity events and special services for the handicapped. Mr. Shimizu, the representative director of Snow Smile, was also personally affected by the earthquake and the company will be entering the event. He made the following comment.

“Thinking about the earthquake makes me tremble and gives me headaches. Even though my home town Hachinohe city had comparatively small damage and I myself was already an adult, I still received psychological damage. Iwate prefecture, Miyagi prefecture, and Fukushima prefecture had an even greater damage, and their conditions are unimaginable.

However, there are things I don’t want to forget. All who unselfishly gave themselves and prayed for the sake of the Tohoku area and Japan. It might sound stale, but I do not want to forget the bond that was born during that incident. Let’s keep on smiling even during hardships and never give up. I hope I can convey my, and Japan’s feeling to everyone through this event.”

Holding an Artist Audition Collaborating with Artist Support Service “viBirth”
At the Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei, participating artists will be invited from the public through audition. Travel expenses and hotel fees will be paid by the Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Executive Committee. This audition is a collaboration with artist support service “viBirth”, an agency which distributes music to music distribution sites, and is managed by Faith Inc. Since entry from the web site is possible, artists wanting to go abroad can easily join, and offer chances for anyone to hold a Live stage overseas.

■Application Period: May 27th (Tues.) 2014~July 20th (Sun.) 2014
■Result Announcement: August 1st (Fri.) 2014
■Application Details:

Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taiwan Event Details
■ Title:Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei
■ Event Period: Sept. 12th (Fri.) 2014~Sept. 14th (Sun.)
※Sept. 11th (Thur.) 2014 Business Day
■ Site: Expo Dome of Taipei Expo Park
■ Hosted By: Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Executive Committee
■ Contact:
■ Site: Expo Dome of Taipei Expo Park

Official Website: